About Us

About the Gaddy Family
Overlook a Channel Islands National Park

Who We Are

We are the Gaddy Family (David, Emily, Micah & Judah) and we love to explore the world around us, whether it’s a day, a weekend, or a week at a time. Despite this love, we are a busy family with two working adults and two children with activities galore that our travel must work around.

David and I both work for our local school system. He is a high school math teacher and I am our school’s athletic trainer (medical care for the physically active). Our boys are in school and involved in community sports. Needless to say, most of our travel revolves around sports and school schedules. Most of our travel occurs during the summer, school breaks, and long weekends. We are also budget conscious and like to support/ buy locally whenever possible.

I might be a little obsessed

Travel planning can be difficult, especially when you work a full-time job and have a family, but I love it. I love to plan, have all my ducks in a row, limit surprises, and find the best deals available. Figuring out where to go and stay, how much time to spend there, what to do, what’s the cost, etc. can make your head spin. However, spreadsheets and Google Maps excite me. I have activities saved for trips I am not even planning yet. All of my social media “suggestions” are travel focused.

When it comes to travel, I am the planner and David is the executor. Organization is the theme of my life. I am a meticulous planner when it comes to traveling. When I don’t have a detailed plan, I tend to stress and become anxious. David on the other hand, likes to fly by the seat of his pants and is happy with just having a general idea of what we will do. He also brings the energy to our trips. I feel like together we make a great duo.

Meticulous Journeys Begins…

Whenever we come back from trips, we often hear “Your trip looked amazing, but I could never plan something like that, there are just too many options” or “How do you find all these great places to go and things to do and not spend a ton of money? I could never find the time to plan all that?”

Thus Meticulous Journeys began. I want you to feel the same joy and excitement that I do when planning a trip. The goal of Meticulous Journeys is to become a place where planning your next journey is easy and stress-free. Whether you are a like-minded, detailed-loving person, or a person that feels like they just don’t have the time, energy, or resources to plan a trip, Meticulous Journeys is for you. At Meticulous Journeys you can come to gather ideas about travel and budget-saving tips or get a meticulously planned itinerary for all of your journeys. 

Ready For your own Journey?

Check out our “Planning” page to get started today!

Start Here
2 brothers holding hands in the airport